Monday, January 30, 2012

Tips For Relocating To The Czech Republic

Moving to a new country always brings new experiences and challenges. Moving to the Czech Republic is no different - you can expect things to be different and you must try to be flexible. Rather than behaving like a tourist, your goal is to act like a citizen. This will make it easier for you to fit in and make friends. In turn, you will then be a little more prepared to move to your destination country.

1) Every country is unique. When in the Czech Republic, it's not necessary to spend a lot of money on clothing. If you dress up too much, you will be taken as a tourist because the locals dress very casually. Due to their low income, Czechs aren't concerned about buying expensive clothing and accessories. Dress simply and down to earth.

2) Whenever you enter the building of a small business establishment, greet the people by saying "Dobry Den" in a very polite fashion. This simple means "Good Day" and you will be treated with more respect, even if your accent is not the best. Those who use this greeting are not taken as tourists. You should also leave by saying "Na Shledanou" or "Goodbye."

3) When you need to purchase train or bus tickets, it's best to take a local person with you, if at all possible. The reason for this is because otherwise, you may be charged up to double for your tickets. A monthly pass is probably the best way to buy because you get a better rate and you won't have to worry about being charged extra each time you need a ticket.

4) If you decide to visit a local restaurant, be sure and check for the daily menu. It will likely be written outside the cafe in the Czech language; and can easily be translated with a bilingual dictionary. If you don't, you will be given the more expensive a la carte menu. If you cannot find the daily menu, then ask for the "Denni Menu Prosim," which translated is simply "Daily Menu Please."

5) Czechs are not unfriendly people, but they aren't overflowing with emotion either. You will definitely be taken for a tourist if you are extra friendly or emotional in public. People who visit or move to the Czech Republic are sometimes perplexed by the serious demeanors of the people, but it's just their way. They are not expressive in public and prefer to keep to themselves.

Quite frankly, it's very likely that you will not do things the right way when you first move to the Czech Republic. You will quickly learn from your mistakes, however. You will learn the differences between being treated like a tourist and a local. People will never be rude or unkind to you, but you will make friends quicker and feel more at home if you can learn to do things like the locals. As the old saying goes, "When in Rome - or the Czech Republic - do as the Romans - or Czechs - do."

When moving to Europe, you must be prepared for the adventure of a lifetime! Expect the unexpected and you will do just fine. Also, be sure to check on shipping to Czech Republic so that you can have things sent to you after you arrive. Be sure and visit our website for more information!




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